The Daily Herald’s award-winning coverage of Snohomish and Island counties often spurs community action and sets the agenda for public policy debate. We know our stories are important to you, so we have worked hard to find new ways to fund local reporting on the issues that matter to our community. In partnership with funding collaborators, we established three journalism funds that give you the opportunity to make tax-deductible contributions to support the work that benefits us all.
If you believe in what we do, please consider giving.

In partnership with Journalism Funding Partners, a 501(c)(3) organization, this fund provides the resources for local, in-depth investigative journalism that brings important issues to light.
Environmental and Climate Change Reporting Fund

Established in partnership with Journalism Funding Partners, a 501(c)(3) organization, this fund supports more local environmental and climate change journalism.

Our readers want coverage of the challenges and successes of K-12 education, so our goal is to hire and sustain a dedicated education reporter to keep bringing the local education news you rely on to make informed decisions that impact you and your family. Learn how you can have an impact with the Education Project please contact Brenda Harrison.

This journalism project will cover the most pressing health and wellness challenges facing Snohomish County and the solutions at work. It is funded in part through a sponsorship from Premera Blue Cross.