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The cost of living in Lakewood is 41% less than Seattle
Overall, Seattle, Washington is 40.7% more expensive than Lakewood, Washington. The Median Home Cost is the biggest factor in the cost of living difference.
The median home price in Lakewood is $425,000
Median Home Cost is 91% more expensive in Seattle.
Transportation costs are 15.6% lower in Lakewood
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New and Growing Population of Lakewood

As a fairly new city that was just incorporated in February of 1996, the Lakewood population is currently around 59,500. The area has seen slow but consistent growth since the 1970s making it the second-largest city in Pierce County, with only the city of Tacoma ahead. Lakewood’s median age is 36 years old, providing a decent balance for both young families up to retirees looking for a quiet town.
Check out the charm of Tacoma. too! The commute is short.

As of June 2019, Lakewood won a Smart Community Award for their community development plan which has taken place over the past couple of years. People living in Lakewood enjoy an economy that is steadily on the rise, as well as many local parks and other convenient amenities.
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Lakes of Lakewood
A place called Lakewood must have a lake, right? Actually, it has ten spanning the area which covers less than 20 square miles. And while some are man-made, others stand as remnants of the Puget Sound.

Many of the lakes offer fun outdoor activities such as hiking, kayaking, fishing, scenic nature views, and much more. The list of local lakes includes:
- American Lake
- Gravelly Lake
- Carp Lake
- Steilacoom Lake
- Wards Lake
- Waughop Lake
- Hidden Lake
- Lost Lake
- Boyles Lake
- Lake Louise
The area also has a number of small creeks that make their way through the town connecting a handful of these lakes to one another.

Things to Do in Lakewood

If you’re ever on the hunt for things to do in Lakewood, a day at Fort Steilacoom Park is just what the doctor ordered. As the city’s largest park, you’ll find over 340 acres of baseball fields, soccer fields, hiking trails, a dog park, a large playground, rentable pavilions, and more.

Another popular attraction in town is the Lakewold Gardens. And while you might think that is a typo, Lakewold is a Middle English term meaning “lake-woods”, which fits the area perfectly. The beautiful estate garden can be found in the Lakes District community and features incredible views of well-manicured horticulture all year round.